1274 4th Street Residences Seeking Application Approval
1274 4th Street Residences (23-ASP-09, 23-ADP-03) 1274, 1282, 1290 4th Street: Application requesting Administrative Site Plan and Planning Board Adjustment approval for a 16-unit multifamily, 10-story building.
The 15,750-square-foot-acre site is located at the southwest corner of 4th Street and Cocoanut Avenue. The parcels are located within the Downtown Core (DTCC) zone districts and Future Land Use classification.
Both street frontages are Primary Street frontages in this location. Vehicular access is proposed from 4th Street.
Under completeness review, 30-day period ends 8/11/23. Deemed incomplete 7/25/23. DRC 8/16/23.
Staff contact: Amy Pintus, Development Review Planner, Amy.Pintus@sarasotafl.gov 941-263-6489