Overtown Square

Making the Dream of a Park a Reality

Rosemary District residents and stakeholders have been lobbying for a centrally-located neighborhood park since 2016.

 After years of searching and negotiating, the City of Sarasota purchased land for a park on the southwest corner of Blvd of the Arts and Central Ave in January, 2021.

The purchase was a public-private partnership funded by $890,000 in accumulated Park Impact Fees and $120,000 donated by Rosemary District residents and stakeholders and friends in the wider Sarasota community.

Thanks to their generous support, the neighborhood has funds left over to spend on making our park one to be especially proud of.

 Photos from the most recent input session

PREP Board Update on Rosemary Park

11-minute presentation to the Parks, Recreation & Environmental Protection Advisory Board on the history and current status of the Rosemary District Park delivered on 4.20.23

At the close of the presentation, Jerry Fogle (Director of Parks and Recreation), shared an estimated completion date of December 2023.