8th Street Townhomes Seeking Pre-Application Conference

8th Street Townhomes (23-PRE-33) 1425 8th Street & 1442 9th Street: Application seeking a Pre-Application Conference to construct eighteen (18) residential units with associated parking and infrastructure on a 28,696 square foot site.

The applicant is proposing fee-simple townhome lots with access from Cohen Way and 8th Street. The applicant is also requesting an adjustment to the minimum lot size requirement to allow for lots ranging from 900 to 1,300 square feet in area.

The subject site is zone Downtown Edge (DTE) within the Rosemary Residential Overlay District (RROD) and has a future land use classification of Urban Edge. The subject site is also within the Overtown Historic District.

The units are not proposed to be attainable. Scheduled for 8/16/23 DRC meeting.

Staff contact: Noah Fossik, Development Review Senior Planner, Noah.Fossik@sarasotafl.gov, 941-263-6548


Road Closure Notice for 08/31/23


1274 4th Street Residences Seeking Application Approval